

"You think he will try something?"

"Most probably, but it would not work. However, it will cause a few problems. I did say not to tell him, it just causes us more problems."

"I am legally obligated to tell him, plus we already have most of the evidence in terms of digital records. The main aim is to look into the terrorist cells anyways."

"We still don't know enough about Code R, that's my main concern."

"You will be heading that investigation yourself, pick your team, I don't care who you choose."

"I think it's best for me to work alone in this. I will involve others when we arrest and prosecute them but for now, I think I should be alone. The more people we have involved the larger chance of a leak."

"Very well, I have most of the information I need for most cases, the people can work on them without you. But be sure to inform me of what you find, and if it gets dangerous don't hesitate to call back up."

"Thank you, princess but I doubt I would actually do on the field. No, I just need to "talk" with the people who are part of the project. I already have a few people who are suspected of taking bribes from the Kirihara group, so I'll start there."

"Okay then, all the best."

Leylin node and leaves Cornelia going to the other room. Of course, the reason for being solo was to prevent anyone else from getting information about code R. All the people involved would, of course, be involved in a tragic accident after Leylin gathered the information he needed. Now he had an appointment to keep.


"Mr. Moore, it's a pleasure to meet you. Not the best circumstances but what can we do. I see you have yourself in a pickle," Leylin said as he stood in front of the man, chained up against a chair.

"What do you want from me, I've already helped you get all the proof you need. Come to gloat have you?" said the man, he looked haggard the stay was not to his liking it seemed.

"Why I know and thanks to your help your sentence has fallen from the chair to a mere 30 years. Of course, then there are the fines you will have to pay along with all the other problems you will no doubt face."

"I have no doubt about that, so come here to gloat, have you. I have no more useful information and we both know that. So do me a favor and get it over with. I don't want to deal with a kid who thinks he's above me."

"See that is the thing Mr. Moore, I do believe you have some information that could help me. You were in charge of a transfer of Sakuradite from your own stash to a facility your systems named R&D. Now the thing is I have looked extensively into it and found you have no R&D initiative, rather all the Sakuradite you sent were intercepted in between and stolen by some terrorists. What I want to ask is where you wanted them to go?"

"You don't know? I thought that was your scheme to catch me." The man looked up at Leylin finally seeing his face. "No you are not one of Clovis's men, you are Cornelia's knight. So he did tell you of this."

"No the reason you were caught were the transactions you had with the Kirihara group, thankfully you confessed to many smaller crimes and we did not have to drag them in. I still have plans for them after all. However, from your words, I will assume Prince Clovis asked for it, would you happen to know why?"

"Hahahaha, so there is splintering between the heirs eh, no surprise there. No, I don't know why he wanted the Sakuradite, however, I do know where he sent it. Sakuradite has a potent signature, one that is easy to track with the right equipment, I was hoping to use that as a bargaining chip, but I knew that would have failed. But now I don't know."

"So where was it that they took it?"

"That information won't come cheap, I want my whole sentence forgiven."

"Very well, however, it depends on what is inside, if the information is useless you won't be getting anything. This is just a hunch anyways, however, don't worry all they need is some documents linking you to be the middle man and you would be free thanks to the time you've spent here."

"It is to the east of Narita, near the JLF base. I suspect that Prince Clovis has some deal with the JLF, why else would their location be known and they not be attacked." The man told Leylin of the exact locations of the base along with the way to get there.

"Thank you for the information, now don't worry about your sentence it will be taken care of," Leylin said as he went forward, towards the man. Then he raised his hand to give the man a handshake. The man took his hand to shake it, then Leylin left the complex.

A week later he was found dead due to a heart attack, apparently, the stress of being suspected of treason caused his heart to fail. There was an investigation however nothing of note was found, the man had not been visited by anyone in over a month according to records and his meals were the same for the whole complex so no suspect was found.