
Levi Ackerman in Marvel

Levi Ackerman going to the marvel world I think this enough to hook you to read I don't anything in this novel

bbvaboy · Tranh châm biếm
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chapter 01

This was supposed to be just another day of my boring life, you know waking up in my small rusty room, bathing, having my breakfast, and going to school, that what was supposed to happen, I mean this was the same routine I had for the last six years and even if it was boring, I liked it, so when something happened outside of my routine you'd find me excited and afraid at the same time, I wanted to break my routine but at the same time, I fear anything that is beyond my comfort zone.

So this is what happens to me now, the last thing I remember was me going to sleep, and what was expected to happen was me waking up in my dirty old room but no I woke up in a freaking dark room and classic old roulette in front of me, well for the first half-hour I had a fuking mental breakdown, I have never cursed this much in my whole 20 years in my life, in the second half-hour I just stayed gazing on the roulette, and if you are wondering how the hell I know how much time passed, well in the middle of the roulette there was a clock that started the countdown from 1 hour to zero.

When the countdown reached zero, the roulette started spinning faster and faster, I just kept staring at it, I felt like this freaking roulette is deciding my life for me, it kept spinning for about a minute then it stopped on a card I know,

It was at that moment I knew I fucked up, if it is what I think it is then I am fuked, you ask why, because the card says marvel MCU,

I started my second mental breakdown until the roulette started spinning again so I stopped the shit that was going in my brain and focused on the roulette; I mean if it going to send me to the MCU verse maybe just maybe it will give me the ability to at least protect my self.

The roulette stopped it, it stopped on another card, and guess what after I saw the card, I know luck was just a freaking concept for people to justify their failures.

but I was not happy, in a world where superpower is just a common shit and gods and titans showing up left and right, what the hell is Levi Ackerman from AOT is going to live there.

I looked at the second image while cursing my shity luck, how am I going to survive with just levi abilities, yes I know he is the strongest human in AOT world but this is marvel we're talking about. at least give me something else, another spin pretty please

Then something happened, the card turned, and there is something written on the back of the card.

FULL NAME: Levi Ackerman

ALIAS:Humanity's strongest soldier

ORIGIN: Attack on Titan


Ackerman bloodline's "Awakened power"

Enhanced strength and endurance

Inhuman speed and agility

Extraordinary dexterity and reflexes

Immunity to Titan transformation

Normal abilities:

Mastery in Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear

Master swordsmanship

Tactical wit

Keen judgment and perceptiveness


Master hand-to-hand combatant

Leadership through strength



Drinking tea while trying (and failing) to rest.

Chatting with his old friends (most of them now are dead).

TYPE OF HERO: One Man Army

Virtually Resourceful


I was like wow this shit is good even if he is just a normal human.

while I was imagining myself kicking some ass with these abilities, the card of Levi floated and entered my body then there was darkness, I found myself living the life of Levi from his birth inside the walls till the end ( I didn't want to spoil Aot on you ) it not exactly living, it like watching a movie from his point of view, yes just watching, I can't control a shit, I just watched brawling on the streets of Maria walls, his training with his serial killer of a ancle, dominating the streets with my gang to killing titans left and right with the survey corps.

I woke up again in front of the roulette clutching my head from all the memories that kept pouring in my head, shit all the memories of Levi were forced into my brain, I felt like a train rammed into my head, and believe me that not a good feeling to have.

after some time all the pain started weakening until it has gone, and the real shit started, I didn't know who fuck I am, for about half-hour I kept doubting my identity, am I the captain of the survey corps or a lazy bum from 21 century and finally I found a middle ground for the mental fight between the two personalities, I just fucking merged them to create a shared personality between them, and what I got after merging them is lazy Stone-Cold Killer Assasin, ladies, and gentlemen I am officially a sociopath now, while I was practicing my evil laugh, the roulette started rotating again then stopped on another card, and this time I didn't recognize the card.

I boost myself as a man of culture, I watched every anime and read every manga I could before I became the sleeping beauty(died)but I didn't recognize this card, so while I thought that I needed a cigarette to cool my head, the card floated in front of me.

Sequence 4: Iron-blooded Knight potion (from lord of mysteries world)

Powers and Abilities

If women drink this potion, they transform into men.

Steel Mastery; They are adept at manipulating fire and steel.

Mind of Steel: "They" have a steel-like will, giving them high resistance against mental attacks.

Weapon Augmentation: "They" can turn any ordinary objects into a terrifying murderous weapon through their augmentation.

Allevation: "They" can spread the damage on themselves to a large number of people effectively reducing the power of the attack.

Chain of Command: "They" have a hidden connection with those under their command through which they can pass certain hints.

oh what a great potion, I know this is the power of Saint from the lord of mysteries but damn I couldn't help the greed of getting more like a power of angel or a god especially from the fool pathway, the abilities of a high sequence from there is soo broken.

as I was worried about my mental health, the MCU card floated and merged with me.

I woke up to another headache of memories pouring into my brain, it was not painful like the first time, I mean it just ten years of memories of some child that I took over, and thank goodness there is no personality to merge this time, I mean imagine a Stone-Cold Killer Assasin plus a child personalty, I am fucked up enough already.

The child I took over(rest in peace child ), was called Zack, a 10 years old kid living in an orphanage in New York City, he was just another abandoned kid on the door of the orphanage, nothing special.

the first thing I decided to do was to run from the orphanage. You ask why, well imagine putting broken men with a couple of innocent children for a fucking weeks.

I was afraid of doing something I'd regret later because my mentality isn't stable with the whole merging personalities shit,

so I needed time to stabilize my mentality and a quiet place to train and restore all of Ezio's abilities.

so here I am, walking in the street of New York trying to find some abandoned storehouse and a fucking cigarette,

on the way, I found the timeline I ended up in after I stole a newspaper from some old men sitting in the park, sorry old men.

well we are on 2 July 2006, and if my memory serves me right, I have four years to prepare myself because in 2010 some genius billionaire decided to start the hero shit, then that shit went south, gods, mutants, heroes, villains became an everyday thing, I fucking decided that I am the one whose going to start this shit.

first thing first, I needed money to survive and I have two option one: steel from the good guy's or two: steel from the bad guys, I went with option two because one: I kind of like robin hood, and two:

steel(bad)+bad guys money(bad)=good money.

so here I am, a pitiful 10 years old kid walking on the dark streets of New York, and guess what, I am seeing the very definition of a thug in front of me, rugged clothes: check, a face with a nasty smirk: check, leaning on the wall while playing with his dagger: check.

I sighed mentally "well well, well congratulation old men, you got three checks from me, my first pray"

so I walked slowly toward him with a bored look on my face.

"Hi there old shit" I mouthed with a bored tone and a dark smirk

He was stunned he as experienced huge wasn't used to being called like this especially from little shits like this one.

Just as he was going to snarl and teach the boy his manners he felt his balls breaking, a sharp screen escaped his mouth then the thug was no moor as he lost his conciseness.