
Levelling Up Through The Heavens [HIATUS]

In an alternative universe, Xiao Yan dies due to extreme depression after testing his talent only to be exchanged by the soul of another. With Lei Longwei's system and his knowledge of his previous life, the future of this body will change completely.

zephdarkhero · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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2 Chs

Lei Longwei's transmigration and sytem

In a bedroom at night, Lei Longwei blinked his eyes and stared at the floor for a moment as he ingested all the memories of the former owner of the body he was currently inhabiting.

After understanding the whole situation of the former Xiao Yan, Longwei then focused on the strange words floating before him when he closed his eyes.


Action System

Strength Amplifier: 0

Agility Amplifier: 0

Spirit Amplifier: 0

Techniques Amplifier:

No known techniques being used yet


A system huh... like those advanced stuff people from remote mortal realms use to emulate a portion of immortal power. Is this similar to that computer toy I once used?

Longwei shook his head and dispelled those distracting thoughts. Right, this time I somehow survived a calamity, but how did I acquire this? Was this the treasure I have been looking for at the firmament? Hm...

"Ah... this is so infuriating, I like mysteries but why give me one that has no clues to solve?" Longwei looked towards the heavens begrudgingly, he knew as a matter of fact that the omniverse is overseen by a collective consciousness known as heavens. It isn't inherently good or evil, in fact, one may even call it chaotic funny, given how its influence can affect the entire destiny of a universe in the most unpredictable ways...

Even though that was the case, the heavens had no definite control over reality, as it couldn't overrun the supreme law of freedom of choice, just affect the original path by inserting big or small variables into the equation that one could use, destroy or completely ignore.

In fact, most people tend to ignore the heavens because they can't even notice how the heavens are trying to influence them and just keep going through their original path.

It's a game of wisdom. Just as the saying goes, luck is but an opportunity taken by those who are prepared for it.

But with that having been taken out of the way, what should I do regarding my current situation? As a Dharmic Sorcerer, he could still tap into his soul essence to cast spells in this foreign universe. But then, there's the problem of this body being a crippled one...

After thinking for a moment, Longwei decided to first try and discover how this system of his works.

Having heard of similar things before, he first tried the most common method and repeating an action.

Laying on the ground he then did a hundred push-ups.

Closing his eyes, he then noticed that something changed in his system.


Action System

Strength Amplifier: 10

Agility Amplifier: 0

Spirit Amplifier: 0

Techniques Amplifier:

Push-Ups: 1


Seeing the results he nodded slightly, it was a pretty self-explanatory system then. Although he had yet to understand what could be considered a technique for the system, he didn't really care that much about it, it was the raw attributes amplifier that he saw potential.

The problem is that he wasn't sure what an amplifying of 10 meant, although it was probably not much considering how easy it was to get it, he would prefer a more specific explanation than just a random number.

Shaking his head, he decided to spend the rest of the night practicing whatever means he had to increase his agility and strength as he wasn't sure how to train the spirit as that was an unknown concept for him, after all, soul and spirit aren't really the same and he had never seen anyone who cared about it in his previous life.

Who knows, maybe it has something to do with it, but I won't be able to train the soul until Nascent Soul Realm.

Thinking of this he suddenly remembered that this world was very different from his, the so-called Dou Qi had different applications for each level and was very different from how most cultivators are in other universes.

Faced with this situation, Longwei smirked, such a stupid cultivation method, these so-called Dou Zhi and above actually made their life more difficult by forcefully including the shaping of the soul to their methods.

Not only it makes the Qi extremely less versatile, but it also reduces the amount of Qi one can have.

Thinking of this, Longwei couldn't help but think that this body's condition was actually a blessing in disguise, in fact, he was even hoping to lose more cultivation levels!

While practicing physical exercises, Longwei thought of what Xiao Yan's father had said.

Right now he is currently a Dou Zhi Qi third stage, also known as a low-rank Dou Zhi, if he didn't want to get sent to administrate some business, he would have to leave the clan or reach the seventh stage in less than a year.

To reach such a goal might not be impossible, but first, he had to know why his cultivation was lowering.

And as if to answer his questions, he suddenly felt a suction force from the ring in his hand. It was very subtle, only someone experienced like him would have noticed it.

"So that's the reason..." Looking at the ring, Longwei was tempted, should he just squeeze his Dantian dry and build a new one afterward?

After probing the ring for a moment and deciding that it wasn't a dangerous object or trap he decided that it would be for the best if he did that. After all, it was just metal with Qi absorption properties, even if there was more to it, such a small amount of Qi used to nourish it wouldn't be enough to harm himself.

"Haaaa!" With a shout, he gathered his soul essence and forcefully pushed the Qi in his Dantian towards the ring.

After half an hour, the ring was shining slightly and he had reverted to a mortal body.

"Haha, I knew it! Those cultivation methods they use are horrible! Half an hour to deplete the third stage... How pitiful."

Shaking his head, his face brightened with a smile and he kept training.

By the time the sun had already intruded his room, there was a not-so-satisfied smile on his face.


Action System

Strength Amplifier: 200

Agility Amplifier: 200

Spirit Amplifier: 0

Techniques Amplifier:

Push-Ups: 2

Sit-Ups: 2

Running: 2

Jumping: 2


After reaching a certain threshold, the number of points the exercises gave halved, and the points doubled once the techniques increased one level.

It took him quite a while to reach those two hundred points in Strength and Agility.

Despite this situation, he couldn't help but smile in face of the results, it seemed that every hundred points equaled a Dou Zhi Qi stage as his current stamina and strength are clearly equivalent to someone at the second stage.

Considering it was amplifying his strength at the bare minimum, he could always be at least twice as strong as his enemies. Hopefully, there may be more effective ways to train the body in the future.

As he was thinking of this, an old voice sounded outside of his door. "Young Master, the clan leader has requested your presence in the hall."

Longwei looked at the door and nodded to himself, this clan leader is the father of Xiao Yan, now that he is living through him, it's only right that he considers him as his father as well, the same goes for this clan. He would do that for the real Xiao Yan whose soul must be undergoing refinement in the circle of samsara right now.

Changing his clothes he left his room and accompanied the elder who had an expression of regret. Seeing this, Longwei felt somewhat warm in his heart, he was aware, after all, of the treatment most elders and clan members gave him.

They crossed the backyard and arrived at the welcoming hall. After knocking on the door they went inside.

The place was relatively large and many had already made themselves comfortable inside. At the head of the hall were his father, Xiao Zhan, and three great elders. At the left and sitting below the four were the common elders, a little less important but no pushover, their words still held some value.

On the other side were three strangers, probably the ones that his father had told about before the original Xiao Yan had left this world.

One of them was an elder wearing moon white robes full of smiles on his face but clearly with bad intentions hidden behind his deceptive small eyes. At his chest was a moon with seven shiny stars beside it.

Of the cultivation ranks Longwei knew of, the first four were Dou Zhi Qi - rank 1, Dou Zhe - rank 2, Dou Shi - rank 3, and Da Dou Shi - rank 4.

That meant he was a 7 star Da Dou Shi, a strong man surpassing his father by two small ranks, in other words, two stars.

At his side was a couple. The man was probably 20 years old, he was... well, beautiful? Honestly, Longwei thought that he looked like a girl but whatever, the girls in this place seemed to like this kind of appearance and it wasn't his place to judge someone, but it would be a lie if he said that there wasn't even the slightest contempt in his heart. At his chest, there were five gold stars, a Fifth stage Dou Zhe, not bad for this kind of world.

The girl beside him was very beautiful and probably two or one years younger than Longwei's body, meaning thirteen or fourteen years old.

With just a little bit of divination he could picture her in the future, she would definitely become a gorgeous woman at that time, but right now she is still just a child so he just looked at her three golden stars before retrieving his eyes from her. Still for someone so young to have a talent compared to his, albeit smaller was quite surprising. It wasn't easy to be naturally born like that, even he and the original Xiao Yan only achieved this thanks to their intact reincarnated souls.

Longwei's actions seemed to have an impact on the girl who didn't expect him to simply ignore her after a glance. She didn't think that the world revolved around her, but it was the first time a man didn't drool at her appearance.

"Father." Longwei smiled with bright eyes as he only knowledged him and ignored the three great elders.

The great elders frowned at this disrespectful demonstration, but before they could say anything, his father cut them and said excitedly.

"Haha, Yan Er, you came! Here, come sit." Seeing the arrival of his son. Xiao Zhan stopped talking with the guests and nodded at him while waving his hand to indicate for him to take a seat.

Longwei nodded with a smile and looked for his chair only to notice that there were none. Seeing this, Longwei's smiling face sunk slightly as he looked towards the great elders.

Seeing his predicament a look of anger flashed across Xiao Zhan's face before being replaced by a bent eyebrow.

The young members of the clan were about to laugh at the motionless Longwei, but before they could do so or his father could talk he said. "Bravo, only a clown of an elder to do something like this. What excuse will you give? That you forgot? If that end up being the case, I would say it's time to replace you because this clan has no need for a decrypt old man whose memory can't even work anymore."

"WHAT!?" Everyone gasped hearing his words.

Is this the same Xiao Yan from yesterday who was so downcast and sad? Why does he look so domineering and even slightly like an evil tyrant now?

"Take it back!" The second great elder stood up under the curious glance of the guests that couldn't understand the situation.

His father wanted to mediate the situation but a flash of anger crossed Xiao Yan's face as his voice resounded across the room in a deep and terrifying way that made everyone inside feel pressure unlike any they had felt before.

"I wanna see you try!" Invisible to their eyes, spirits coiled around Xiao Yan, each and every single one of them having been called by one of his Dharmic Spells. The might of Dharmic Sorcerers isn't something to be scoffed at. Even with his current stage, he could easily kill a Cultivator at the Dou Shi stage so long as it was only one enemy and no one with the same power threatened him for a month. If he was still in his peak, he could have even assimilated the entire planet, but since he died, it was fortunate enough that he managed to retain that level of strength albeit very limited.

"What's going on..." The second great elder started sweating as his sense warned him of the danger that Xiao Yan represented at this moment.

It wasn't just him though, everyone inside felt like he had suddenly transformed from an ant to a dragon.

Even the girl sitting at the corner of the hall with a book in her hands was surprised to see this situation. For Xun Er, it felt like the Xiao Yan she had admired when she was a kid had come back to life at that moment, and there was even hope in her heart that maybe he finally dealt with the problem that had plagued his cultivation.

Feeling that it wouldn't be wise to let him do as he wants, she suddenly spoke, leaving Xiao Yan's father and the great elders stunned.

"Brother Xiao Yan, come sit here!"

Hearing this voice, Longwei was reminded of a childhood friend of the original Xiao Yan, a girl who was very friendly with him even after he fell from grace. Because she called him, his mood went back to normal and the pressure disappeared as he calmly sat beside her.

"Xun Er, it's good to see you, this den of snakes was making me feel sick," Longwei spoke naturally, his current identity might be that of Xiao Yan, but he had no intention to act like him or something similar.

Just like he did with the elder just now, if he had the power, he didn't felt like hiding from his potential enemies, if he had something against someone, he would face the person openly and straight, not like these childish people who did things like pretending to have forgotten to prepare a chair for the clan leader's son.

"Second great elder, what was the meaning of that!?" Xiao Zhan questioned Xiao Ying seeing as how Xiao Yan had already retreated from the matter.

"I..." The second great elder frowned, if he wanted to use the excuse of having forgotten the chair, that would be like admitting to what Xiao Yan had said. Besides, he just wanted to mess a little with Xiao Yan and show that the elder wouldn't support him in any way anymore. But he didn't expect that the situation would escalate like that, just what the hell did Xiao Yan do to emit such weird strong pressure on them?

Seeing how this issue wouldn't be solved quickly, Xiao Zhan frowned and said. "Forget it! We will talk about this later."

"Yes, clan head." Xiao Ying frowned slightly and refrained from saying anything else.

While this was happening, Longwei talked with Xun Er.

The girl had a light smile on her face. Her slender finger tapped the book resting on her laps as she swept Xiao Yan with her eyes from top to bottom. "Did something good happened between yesterday and now, Brother Xiao Yan? You seem to be in a good mood, it even reminds me of you many years ago."

Hearing this, Longwei smiled as he thought of a way to make use of this situation to reinstate his previous reputation. "Hahaha!" He laughed loudly attracting the attention of everyone in the hall. His next words being spoken loud and clear. "That's right, Xun Er, I solved the problem with my cultivation, It shouldn't take me more than a month to recover my previous level!"

Longwei dropped a bomb, making everyone but the guests, freeze.

"Hey... did I heard him say..."

"That he recovered his talent? Un... I heard that as well..."

"This... it has to be a joke, right?"

The young clan members couldn't withstand what they had just heard. In their heads, he was just bluffing, there's no way someone can suddenly recover from a problem like that, right? Little did they know that he was telling the truth.

By giving up two ranks he literally overflowed the ring that was sucking away his cultivation with enough energy to make it stop sucking his Qi.

Besides, with the foundation laid previously by the original Xiao Yan, all he needed was to fill his body with Qi, the breakthroughs would be like cutting butter with a divine sword.

"Ah!?" Xun Er gasped, this... how did he do it? Hearing the news from Xiao Yan himself, she believed it wholeheartedly beamed with happiness! "That's great! He, and to think that I originally wanted to reprimand you for not sitting together with me for three years now. But I'll forgive you about this matter since you gave me such wonderful news."

Longwei smiled at Xun Er. This beautiful girl with an intellectual aura really liked him. In fact, it could be said that the original Xiao Yan also had feelings for her, but deep inside he thought that it was impossible since he had a fiance ever since he was a small kid.

Thinking about this, he started to consider this matter carefully, should he take both girls as his wives? Nah, what am I saying... let's wait and see, even if he liked those girls it doesn't mean I have to do it as well, my fiance is one thing, but with Xun Er, it has to be natural if it is to happen.

"Cough... Xiao Yan, you can give us the good news later today, let's focus on our guests for now..." Xiao Zhan had to cover his mouth to prevent everyone from seeing his shameless smile and prevent his guest from thinking that he wasn't giving him the due amount of respect he deserves... In the end, he just couldn't help himself, he was too excited by the news his son had just delivered!