
Chapter 61 - I don't care

Observing her closely, Zack noted the young boy by her side. His features bore a resemblance to Keila, suggesting a familial connection. Perhaps he was her younger brother or a relative she was responsible for. Despite the grim circumstances, there was a sense of familial bond between them.

"I didn't ask why you guys were captured… your group didn't look like a proper guild team," Zack said. "I feel like I will regret soon asking about this."

"We are travelers. We lived in a city that was destroyed in the past, and we didn't like the way guilds worked," Keila explained. We found the goblin army and had a hard time escaping them, and that is how things ended up. It seems that more places like this are starting to become common. Further south, things are pretty much the same. The same group of monsters has taken control of a large island that had a large city in it."

"Is that so… I know where to go now, then," Zack said. "Well then. See ya."