

"Heavy-ho!" Mathew uttered a small shout as he lifted a zombie's corpse before throwing it on the rubble behind the breach.

"Leave the corpses to us." Nadia was quick to approach Mathew's side. "The boulders from over there would be perfect to close the gap," she said as she pointed her hand at a nearby pile of rubble. "But I don't think any of us could as much as make it tremble," she added with a wry smile.

'I guess there are still limits to how strong we can get, even with the system,' Mathew thought before nodding his head.

"Will do," Mathew said as he clasped his hands to clear them out from dirt before moving in the direction the girl pointed at. "Right, make sure Leila won't venture too far," the young man added after making barely a few steps. "She's prone to getting emotional. And we can't afford to lose anyone right now."

The fight for the wall's breach... was even more disappointing than clearing the ruins of the southern wing of the compound.