
Problematic corpse

"Whatever you see and hear right now is likely just an effect of your abilities growing a bit too fast for you to control them," Mathew said before turning his eyes to the side and swallowing all sorts of other things that he felt tempted to speak about.

'There is no need to bother him with all my doubts,' he thought, forcing his mouth to close up rather than bombarding the officer with his questions.

Why did people back at Peter's base failed to get any experience from the zombies they killed with their firearms? Was it because they didn't have a system in contrast to Norbert? Or maybe there was something else?

Mathew shook his head.

'There will be a lot of time to think about it later,' Mathew thought as he gulped his saliva and shook his head. He then turned around and took a look at the monster's corpse. 'For now, though, we should look for a way to get rid of it all.'