
It's time to deploy

"They are coming," Norbert muttered while opening his eyes.

The entire fighting force of Mathew's camp was currently gathered at the north part of the fence, with several pieces of broken furniture stacked in a way that allowed them quick access to the other side of the barrier.

As she never participated in the fight and had no means of doing so, Beatrice was the only one who stood a considerable distance away, here only to learn more about how the fight would look like.

From the front, there were Leila and Nadia. Behind them stood Daria and Mathew, with Norbert and Carol holding the rear along with all the hunters of Carol's squad.

'Just a little bit longer,' Mathew thought, pulling out both of the scrolls from the inner pocket of his clothes before quickly scanning their content.

As soon as his eyes lay down on the runes on the scroll, the items instantly crumbled into dust while Mathew's brain froze for but a second.