
Dirty little secrets

"Am I supposed to now ignore the fact that you snuck on me to watch me jerk off?" Mathew asked, forcing the question out of his mouth while ignoring the extreme embarrassment that it caused him.

'I might not be a virgin anymore, but to have my dirty secrets pulled out like that...' he thought, a strange feeling of anger welling up in his soul.

And then, something clicked in his mind.

"Wait, don't answer that," Mathew requested as a small smirk appeared on his lips. "What I want to know instead is how could you know how long those sessions were?" he asked while gracing Nadia with the loveliest of the smiles he could produce.

"Huh? I..." the girl attempted to answer right away, only to figure out the meaning behind Mathew's words when her own lips had already started to move.

Nadia then turned her eyes away, her blush only intensifying.

"Come on, it's not nice to ask a lady such a question!" she finally responded, protesting rather than giving a straight-out answer.