
Daniel's strategy (Daniel's Pov)

"We have over a hundred cores," Norbert reported in a tired voice.

He wasn't physically tired from the fighting or, later on, climbing the stairs. The activity of this sort was the daily bread for a veteran policeman and an anti-terrorist unit member.

No, it wasn't his body that was tired. It was Norbert's mind.

"Won't this be enough already?" Norbert asked as he raised his eyes at Daniel with a pleading expression written all over his face.

'Robbing the brain matter of students and teachers alike from a stone that formed inside...' Daniel thought, looking down at the blood covering Nortbert arms all the way up to his elbows.

"Fine, let's hope it will be enough," Daniel replied. He then nodded his head before moving his eyes towards the stairs leading up. "How about the scout?" he then asked.