

The turtle flew them across the city until they reached an arena. The streets were bustling with people and as Arthur and the others got off the vehicle, cheers resounded from beneath them. They stood atop the platform that was connected to the arena's stands as the crowd cheered for them from underneath. 

"Why not wave, our hero?" Emma jokingly elbowed Arthur. "I bet they're here for the Ghost." 

"I'm sure they're here for their next queen." Arthur jested. He wanted to go in quickly because of how many people were looking at him. 

With grandmaster Venkov, Arthur and Emma walked inside the stand as they met one of the association's staff. With a respectful attitude, he led them to a cozy lounge where they met a familiar face. 

"Grandmaster Venkov, a pleasure to see that you haven't died yet." Grandmaster Kiren smiled with mockery. 

"I'm not as weak as you are, Kiren." 

"Call me Grandmaster Kiren.���