
Their Resolve

'Well, it seems that the best knight is not at her best,' thought Arthur as he looked toward Sun. It was a pity since Arthur didn't want to let them go. However, he needs to see progress to ensure they are not relying on his promises.

Arthur could indeed strengthen them through his arts and runes, but he felt that they would lose their ambition if strength were given to them on a silver plate. Lusica has already proved that he sought power without Arthur's help, which made the latter proud.

"Step aside," Arthur waved his hand at the knight. "I might have tolerated the weakness of your body, but never the weakness of your heart. Your resolve is too weak."

Sun seemed shaken, and her grip of the sword began to tremble. Arthur frowned when he saw her lower her weapon and return it to its sheath before walking away and standing to the side.

"A disappointment," muttered Arthur before he turned toward the rest. "Step forward, Shield."