
Their Gratitude

After putting Rae back in her bedroom, Arthur left the scene. It was early morning the next day when the envoy from Runera arrived to take them. However, when Arthur was sitting on his chair and folding a metal ring into itself, a knock came on the door in the early morning.

"Alexie," a voice called from outside. "Are you asleep?"

"Yes, I am," answered Arthur as his finger wrote a rune in the air, which showed him who the person outside was. It was Julia, wearing her formal runemaster outfit.

"I heard you were accepted into the exploration of the ruins on your own," she continued regardless of his question. "Let me inside for a talk."

"I rather not."

"I will scream."

Arthur stared at the older woman, speechless at the immaturity before he swung his finger for the door to swing open. Julia blinked her eyes before a smug smile appeared on her face.

"Does that threat work?"