

As the three flew into the distance towards their base, Ascent, they realized the deadly combination of artifacts Xeloria had managed to secure. The ability to see the movements of enemies and hide their own made it impossible to foresee their attacks.

"Xeloria will be a difficult enemy to defeat without him," Lian said as he pulled on the reins, making the wyvern fly higher. "Where is he?"

Seraphine knew who the tamer was referring to, but she was in no mood to answer him. Instead, Sarohan was the one to speak, as if he was the same as before. The demon studied him as he talked and laughed as if he were unharmed.

"Our leader is undergoing some extensive training at the moment!" said Sarohan with a grin as he spread his arms. "I heard that once he comes out, he will take the world by storm!"