
Tearless Child

It might be the first time that Arthur saw what made Sier himself. Life in the court was as cruel as the one he spent digging through the dirt, if not more. Even though his mother was harassed before she gave birth, it worsened when Sier was born.

Sier was carried toward his father's room without him screaming or crying. The infant was quickly cleaned and dressed before presenting him to his father, who did not bother to visit his mother.

"A child with her skin," muttered the king's mother with disappointment. "I told you never to marry a foreigner. This world will never forget that with his skin."

"That does not matter as long as he has what it takes," said the king as he stood up with a smile. "Welcome to this world, Sier. It is time to prove that you are the one worthy of inheriting my throne."

"Hmph," his mother snorted as she looked away. "I doubt that this child has any potential to be anything with his mixed blood."