
Strangest Team

"You are looking a bit different, Lusica," smiled Arthur as his mana blocked the knight, who now looked like a humanoid black flame. Then, the darkness receded, and Lusica appeared unharmed.

"Please forgive me, my lord," kneeled Lusica. "This power is only meant to serve you, not to attack you."

"I sure hope so," Arthur frowned as he clenched his fist and released it. "How did you learn that technique?"

"A pirate taught it to me," answered Lusica instantly.

"There is only one pirate that comes to my mind," Arthur muttered as his robes fluttered. A pulse of mana transmitted through the city with him at the center. A smile appeared on his face after he found the pirate in mind.

Arthur was interested in this technique, so he teleported to the location of the pirate. It was a bar that had recently opened in the inner parts of the city, and it seemed to be doing reasonably well.