
Story of Sourna

The pirate ship, which Rain referred to as Sailor Willow, approached the gate of Hikma. Alaric was kind enough to provide proper outfits for the pirates, which turned them from hardened pirates to esteemed gentlemen.

However, according to the pirate himself, Hikma did not fear pirates in specific but feared for spies from East Sourna. Pirates were the second most nefarious after that.

Alaric's crew, a group of misfits that sailed for adventure instead of greed, were quick to assume their disguise as well. Arthur was intrigued to see them so at ease, and he found the mystery of the young pirate to be ever-growing.

As for their crew, they were tense and ready to fight at a moment's notice. Arthur decided to use his rune, [Calm], to cast a blanket of confidence over the group. It seemed to work well, since they grew more confident and relaxed.