
Shocking Revelation

The king was more normal-looking than Arthur thought, although what he expected was probably influenced by his nervousness. A mix of grey and blonde hair covered his head, a thin mustache under his celestial-shaped nose, and dark violet unfathomable eyes. 

As Arthur started walking on the red carpet, the king examined him with his hand supporting his chin as his elbow learned on the armchair of the throne. 

"Arthur Silvera at your service, your majesty." Arthur kneeled on one knee and placed his hand on his heart in greeting. The king made a sound like affirmation and Arthur stood up. 

Now that he was facing the throne, he realized there were some chairs beside it. Five chairs, to be exact. Three of them were empty and two of them had two people sitting on them. One of them was Nera and the other was a young man that resembled Alfred, although a bit older.