

A voice called out to him as he felt someone nudging him. Arthur was pulled from his unconsciousness to the tender voice of Ivy. As he opened his eyes, he was greeted with the ever-stretching blue sky. 

"Arthur," Ivy whispered beside him and he turned to look at her through his blurred-out vision. Her hazy figure became more defined as Arthur woke up fully. 

"Where are we?" Arthur asked weakly as he tried to pull himself up. However, his muscles ached and felt like they were injected with lead. He groaned and Ivy pushed him back into his sleeping position. 

"We're near the fortress, there's still a distance left before we get there." 

"The Ilios Empire?" Arthur asked with furrowed brows. 

"We managed to flee merely because of the giant dragon." Ivy shook her head and spoke. "It has been a day since we started running." 

"A day… What about the dragon?" Arthur asked worriedly as he felt his dragon's emotions waver.