
Say No

Nera turned when she heard Oliver's question and sighed visibly. Arthur might be imagining it, but her eyes lingered on him when she looked his way.

'Is it because of what happened with Caleb?' Arthur wondered. 

"I'm applying too, Oliver," Nera said with a smile. "Let's help each other." 

"Oh, Oh!" Oliver nodded his head as his mouth gaped. "What about the Royal Academy?" 

"I've skipped a year." 

As the two spoke to each other, Arthur noticed that Emma was glancing his way every once in a while. Did she suspect something? Was there anything familiar about him? 

"Stop being so nosy, Belford. We have a registration to finish." Reinhold walked past them and bumped into Arthur. 

Glaring at him, Arthur felt his shadow move and Reinhold tripped over himself and fell to the ground. Then, someone stepped on his hand by accident. As he screamed about, Nera turned to face Oliver and Arthur awkwardly.