
Sand Thieves

Alaric spoke to the inn's owner while Arthur and Diana waited outside for the arrangement. It was at that time that he spoke to Rain about what happened and what she should do, which he relayed to Diana.

"What did you tell her in response?" asked Diana with a raised brow, which Arthur might not see, but feel in her tone.

"I told her that I already promised to bridge the sea for her, so tearing Sourna apart is also an option," replied Arthur with a smile.

"Aha," she said with the same tone, as if there was a lot more that she could have said but chose to hide. Arthur turned toward her on the other side of the table, feeling her presence but unable to tell her thoughts.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"You should avoid saying something that misleading. How come you never tell me these things?"

"I bridged worlds for you, not just the sea," said Arthur with a smile. "How could I outdo that?"