
Runic Hacker

The mecha was just like what Arthur had imagined it to be, although a bit bulkier. He expected a lean and compressed mecha where it resembled a human more, but this one was just as majestic. Its legs were probably a meter in grith, a cylinder with curves like that protruded like muscles and tires barely visible. 

The head, where most primary sensors were, resembled those he had seen in cartoons as a kid. Two metal plates on each side as if they were horns, protecting the main visual sensors from harm. 

Its main cabinet, which was half of its torso, was as big as the interior of a sedan car. The other half probably contained the mechas core and other related machinery and runic circles. Runic circles runes that were activated in a sequence given a specific command. For example, a rune that would make the mecha fly is before that the propels it forward, and in reverse, if it was landing.