
Rega's Inner World

'Back?' Arthur frowned as he heard the voice. 'Have I ever been here before?' The fact that the tree said 'back' means that he was here before, but Arthur remembered no such thing. 'I need to find out what this means.'

As the light began to fade, the tree's roots split in front of them and opened a pathway. This incident drew attention from all sides, making the people shout and chaos spread.

"Come on, My Seika." Gala shook her head as she grabbed her head. "We agreed to draw less attention."

"That was the plan, but it's better this way," Arthur said as he looked at the people being amazed by the root. "Can you make us appear, little spirit?"

"Yee." The spirit danced around Arthur, rubbing itself to his right hand. Arthur chuckled at this sight, but Gala was looking at him with a complex gaze.

"What?" Arthur turned her way as the group appeared to the public. "Do you still get mad if I talk to your spirit directly?"