

"Well, that wasn't so bad. We're raiding this together in the end! May the strongest awakener win!" Arthur turned to face Rae but Trevor answered in her stead. 

"Not so fast, I'll have you stay here. We can't let you hinder us. I'm sorry Miss Rae, I'll have to stop you right there." Trevor said as he unbuttoned his sleeves. "By force, if I have to." 

The moment Trevor finished his words, Arthur appeared next to him. He patted his shoulder with a smile as he passed him by. 

"I'll leave you two love birds here, I'm winning this." He whispered and rushed forward as Trevor stood there, stunned. 

'I'm not doing that good at keeping low,' Arthur thought to himself as he sprinted forward. He heard Trevor's roar behind him, asking his followers to stop Arthur. 'Fuck keeping low. If things come down to it, I'll fake my death again.'