
Proud Hymn of Ilios

As the army began their journey towards the distant city of Runera, they marched with determined spirits and steady steps. The road ahead stretched for miles, and the destination was still a week away, but they pressed on undaunted.

To ensure that the soldiers would not tire from the journey before the upcoming battle, Ascent had devised a system of alternating between carriages and foot soldiers. This rotation allowed the troops to rest and keep a watchful eye on their surroundings.

The five divisions marched in sequence and maintained distance between each other for navigation and to prevent friendly fire in the event of an attack. Despite their coordinated efforts, the fifth division had yet to meet their commander.

Meanwhile, the man the soldiers referred to as their warlord marched with the vanguard, leading the charge. The nervous soldiers followed behind him, puzzled by his choice to march on foot with them.