
Old Dream

"Great Imperial Majesty," wrote Yosef at the start of his letter. "I am happy to say that our visit to Livia has been peaceful. The king even praised her highness for her etiquettes. From there, we resumed our journey and went to Runera, where her highness tried to kill the man that we are here to meet."

Yosef sighed and decided to present what happened in a better way. It was because the emperor's health could not take such a direct hit after momentary relief.

"I should write her good behavior after her bad behavior. Maybe that will ease the shock," pondered Yosef before sighing. "That would be like using bondage to reattach an arm. I should build him up, only to break him down."

His writing got more details as Yosef started building for the suspense that was to come. Finally, he made sure that the emperor would feel proud of his granddaughter when he reads most of the letter, and in the end, Yosef revealed the latest incident.