
Not Weak

Kody Nightroad stared at the group of soldiers in the distance. His heart tickled his ribcage, but he knew that fear was not an option given the circumstances. He was the older one among the group, yet he allowed Oren to shoulder the burden of saving their families.

"Selena…" muttered Kody as he stared at his sister imprisoned in those cloud-shaped objects. However, despite his anxiety, he had to remain calm to stall them.

The soldiers spotted him, but they kept one with their march. Kody acted as if he was looking around before running toward them, tripping and shouting incomprehensibly.

"You guys… what are you doing here…?" shouted Kody as if he was shocked to see the group wandering around these parts. "I received intel moments ago that the fight against the calamity is shifting over to this site!"