
Newbie Divison

Forty-nine new recruits rushed forward at the same time. Facing them was a skinny man with average features, but eyes that seemed to dominate the world. His fists roared with ferocity as they launched strikes after strikes at his enemies. Each one seemed to disable the target, leaving a trail of whimpering men behind him. "Bring it on!" shouted one of the soldiers who appeared to be in his late fifties. He stepped forward with a powerful stomp, sending ripples across the ground. Then, he slithered like a snake through the soldiers, emerging behind Arthur.

The man launched a deadly attack towards Arthur's neck, but Arthur was fully aware of it. In fact, he could see the man moving in slow motion. With a swift strike, Arthur hit the man's arm before it could reach him. The arm bent unnaturally before the man collapsed on the ground, screaming in pain.