

Arthur realized how time-consuming running a guild was. Since Julia was not here, he had no choice but to run things himself. It consumed all of his time. Everyone wanted something, and problems arose at every moment. He had to control the Runic Dome and use the arrays that the residents wanted.

Julia has been doing all of this in his stead, which gave him enough time to move around and go places without worrying about it. Arthur still remembers how much time he spent away in Ilios, and Julia was left alone to make the decisions on his behalf.

His goblins gave him the biggest headaches since fights always broke out. Arthur could not even enforce his will upon them because these fights were a part of their instincts. He was reminded that these were monsters, not humans.

As for the various sub-guilds, arguments were common between each other. These guildsmen took pride in their leaders and sub-guild, so it was natural that some rivalry would occur.