
Mana Bolts

The ashen walls of the mansion, its glamorous silver gates, and the statues of brave warriors all crumbled under the force of the explosion. Haro and Captain Munro were pulled toward the center, riding the giant jellyfish that Haro created.

The scene below was a wasteland after the force of the explosion destroyed everything. Haro peeked from atop the jellyfish to see many corpses in the path connecting to the main mansion.

"There is someone there!" shouted Captain Munro while pointing at the explosion, which was still shrinking in size. Haro looked at the scene and found a single man standing in the center of the blast, his hands directly fused with the white sphere.

"Arthur Silvera…" recognized Haro, making Captain Munro gulp. Arthur Silvera was standing in the center of the explosion, his arms grabbing into it. In response, the mana was shrinking in size. "Sir, we will crash into the mana sphere at this rate."