
Lost The Choice

"The lack of desire to do anything," mulled Rain over the words as she poured herself another glass. "It sounds like someone I know."

"And how is he like?"

"Well, to be fair, he did go through some things, but who hasn't?" Rain said while sipping from her cup. "I asked him once why he never did anything but train and plot, and he said this: once someone is expected to give, he is never allowed to take."

"It seems he meant more than just materialistic gain."

"He meant everything," said Rain with sadness. "His revenge consumed him and took everything he had: his time, happiness, and desire for anything in this life. He was taken from but never given anything."

Arthur was quiet as he watched Rain pour him another glass. It might be more than his powers that corroded his feelings, although they were the main role. This made him think of the time he had to provide for his family, day and night, without being given anything in return.