
Iron Dome

They moved quickly and efficiently. Reece produced the association's badge that allowed them to use the teleportation circle. When they informed the staff of their destination, he frowned and asked them what they wanted to do there.

"Do you know this person?" Reece gestured toward Arthur, to which the staff looked at him suspiciously before shaking his head. "It's the Villainous Ghost!" Reece's tone was sharp like he was admonishing the staff. "The grandmaster has asked to see him; you've probably heard of the interest he's taken in him." 

"Yes, yes. I'm sorry, please step inside the circle. Um, as for this person?" To Arthur's surprise, the staff became pale and started activating the circle. He then looked at Ivy curiously. 

"She's the contestant's mom," Reece said without batting an eye. The staff nodded his head in understanding as if he was wondering how he couldn't see it.