

The sealed chambers seemed to be covered with a layer of ancient dust. Arthur and Tiara made their way through them, looking for the queen. It took them a while to find her, sitting amidst countless books, strange flasks, and ancient diagrams. 

"Mother?" called Tiara to avoid scaring the queen, but she didn't even turn toward her. The queen of Janea was burying her face in a certain book, unaware of her surroundings. Tiara approached, touching her shoulder, which made the queen flinch. 

"Tia?" muttered the queen in a daze. "What are you doing here? And… Lord Sil… Netherborne too?" The queen looked at them in confusion. "How did you make it past the guards?" 

"Arthur knocked them out," Tiara explained as she touched her mother's forehead. "Are you alright, Mother? You seem pale." 

"I will be fine…" the queen said as she rubbed her temples. "I guess you two are here to learn more about the Dark Prince – my brother, right? There is no other reason."