
Into A Villain

As his eyes were glued to the throne, it seems that Lorius' were glued to him. This made the Knight of Courage take a step forward, unleashing the aura she was restraining.

"You are underestimating me."

Lusica can see the knight's aura shift from human to monstrous as a blue flame in the red of the throne. His body shivered as the temperature took a fall until everything around the knight was turning to ice.

"The reason that I summoned my blood back is that I am doing the opposite. You are a threat. However, I want to know if this is what you want to do."

"This is exactly what I want to do," the Knight of Courage took a step forward as she took a stance, and the ice exploded around her great sword. "We have been aiming for your head for a long time. Finally, you gave us the chance to take it down."