
Hope Or Disaster?

The sky grew darker and it started to rain. As he felt the droplets of play a calming melody on his shoulders, Arthur's heart was nowhere near calm. He was a rei-ranker trying to escape the might of an Astra-ranker, alone. 

Like heavenly lightning, the spear descended on him as if trying to obliterate him out of existence. With a flick of his hand, Arthur appeared a kilometer away. 

"You're overconfident, ant!" The roaring laughter of the Paladin came as loud as thunder. "You think you can face me by yourself?" The Paladin flew over from the horizon with a giant grin on his scarred face. 

The spear, after losing its target, changed its direction without stopping. Arthur, on the other hand, didn't try to use the limits of his teleport rune to run away. He doubted an Astra ranker would have difficulties in chasing after them for hundreds of miles.