
Hereby Dismissed

As the guild members listened to his words, they all carried uncomfortable expressions. The joyful attitude from before was gone, replaced by a solemnity.

"You would be a conquer," said Oren, still disapproving of his brother's plans. "Although we have suffered a lot, we made sure only to harm those who harm us. While you make it seem peaceful, how many guards would you kill to present the rulers with that choice?"

"I never said it would be peaceful but conquers rule after they conquer, and I would do no such thing. Instead, I will let them rule after swearing loyalty to me."

"And how would you enforce that loyalty?"

"Spiritual contracts, where one would be obliterated if he goes back on his words."

"A one-sided spiritual contract is no different than slavery."

"If it means ensuring this world survives the selfish whims of its rulers, then slavery it is."

"Are you willing to be a villain to achieve your goals?"