
Guild Masters

The scene below was that of hell, and it was as such for those experiencing it. If one looked back on the strikes that landed on Amelio, then he would find that none of them left a wound except for Arthur's attack.

"Do no break formation!" shouted Ilia Perli as he saw his soldiers get blown away by a single fist. "He is nothing but stats! We can predict his movements!"

That was correct for the most part. Amelio had no abilities that could surprise them, and all of his attacks were simple. Except for his Heaven's Waves strikes, he had nothing. However, sometimes, absolute strength needed no tricks.

"Aaaah," yawned Amelio while rubbing his face. He looked at the flying vessel above and then at the tired soldiers before he jumped on more time.

However, like in the times before, the Shadow Queen appeared below him and grabbed his shadow, pulling him back to the ground. This was the only method to restrain Amelio from running after Arthur Silvera.