
Guest From Afar

"Who are you?" The dwarf looked at Arthur with fear. Getting such a reaction, Arthur felt hurt that his scammer's face didn't work.

"I'm here to help you." Arthur tried to appear as sincere as possible, but it didn't work as well.

"That's what the man from earlier said as well." The dwarf backed away. "I don't have eight gold coins."

"Well, you'll have a lot more if you follow me." Arthur scratched his head. He still felt like a scammer or a human trafficker. He looked at Gala and Dia for support.

"Listen well, dwarf." Dia stepped forward and said in a menacing tone. "If you don't follow us, we'll rip your hands off!"

"Seriously?" Arthur turned around in speechlessness.

"Ignore her, young man." Gala stepped forward to save the day. "How about you follow big sister, and I'll make sure it's worth your time?" She said seductively.

"More like a grandmother." Dia spat.