
Enemies Crossing Paths

Arthur walked on the bricked road that cut across the farmlands and he couldn't keep his eyes away from the city of Jerano. He was descending a hill so he could see most of the city, despite the high walls that surrounded it. 

It was a combination of ancientness and modernity that he had never seen before. Some buildings looked old while others looked like a giant block of metal. 

The sky was lined with a shimmering light that surrounded the whole city, a barrier against intruders. In the middle of the city was the College of Jerano, the one that was strictly for awakeners. 

"Alexie!" A voice called out from behind him that sounded like it barely escaped from between the sky and earth collide. Arthur looked back and saw that Oliver, huffing, was running his way. 

"Congratulations on passing," Arthur said with a smile as Oliver stopped near him, his hands on his knees.