
Divine Spirit

Alaric raised the collapsed walls to finally find Valeria trapped underneath. The pirate was still healing from her wounds, which Diana had helped with using Iceheart. Using all the strength he had, Alaric pushed the wall aside until he could finally pull Valeria from underneath, right before it collapsed again, almost burying her.

"Who are you?" asked Valeria, too weak to even put a resistance against this unknown man. But even if she had the strength, she would not hurt anyone who seemed to carry good intentions toward her.

"The name is Alaric, a pirate," he replied while bending down to catch his breath. "I came here with Diana and Rain looking for you. We need to run away from this place, now."

"What about her?" asked Valeria as she looked around before spotting Diana hovering in the distance. "We cannot leave her alone to fight against Deluge and the armies of Hikma. She would be killed or imprisoned."