

Kar hovered over the ledge and crossed to the other side. As he landed on the boulders, his foot regenerated. He could tell that his enemies still had a faint pulse although they were severely wounded. A thought crossed his mind to kill them, but he couldn't waste time.

"The amplifier had the highest importance," Kar muttered as he looked at the fog ahead of him. The amplifier seemed to be behind a portal of sorts that expanded space. The cramped underground space held an infinite sea of fog.

The calamity stepped into the fog, and he felt his feet sinking into an infinite abyss. The more he stood, the more his feet seemed to sink lower, so he had to keep on marching. The more he walked through the fog, the more Kar realized that this amplifier was something extraordinary.

"If it can create this vast expanse of space for this many years, it means the amplifier is no man-made device. It must be… a relic."