

Sier stared at him for a long time. Arthur knew that the guardian wanted a different ending for this, as did Lyari. However, their attempts to persuade meant that they realized his threat, and the more he rejects them, the more low-handed these attempts will become.

"It seems I have no choice," sighed the seer. "This means war, Outsider. The vessels will start appearing one after the other, and I am glad to have heard you resolve."

The tone that the Seer Guardian used was not of surprise but expectation. The violet light in his eyes began to disappear as the presence of the more grew calmer.

"You heard his words, Sier," said the seer guardian before his presence disappeared. It was seconds later, but Arthur knew that he was talking to someone else now. "I have indeed," said Sier with the same mouth but a different soul. "We meet again, Arthur."

"We meet at last," said Arthur with a frown. "It seems like you have something to tell me."