

Oriole was walking toward Julia's office to check on her. He had a feeling that the earlier events, and those to come, would take a toll on their inexperienced vice-master. Nonetheless, she had done a magnificent job that sent chills down his spine.

Her door was open, and he found Julia just standing there in her office, cleaning her face from what he assumed were tears. He walked inside and closed the door, confused.

"Is something wrong?" Oriole asked as he rushed inside. "Did something happen? Is this about Garrick?"

"What? Oh, Oriole," she turned toward him with red, teary eyes and shook her head. "No, nothing happened. It's not about that... but yes, it is. I'm sorry. I feel like shit right now, so can you leave?"

"Not a chance in hell," Oriole said, guiding her toward the couch to let her sit. "You need to rest and have a shoulder to lean on. Let me get you some water, and you can tell me what happened."