
Dark Forest

Inside the offices of Runera, where the council meets every Sunday, Diana and Arthur were preparing for their journey toward the land of elves, Janea. The two of them carried enough rations and clothes to last them a month. 

Arthur watched as Diana adjusted his clothes with a small crease between her brows. She had this habit of pursing her lips together whenever she focused on something. He found himself lost in her blue and red eyes. 

"There you go," she said as she patted his shoulders and then held them with a smile. "I have a question." 

"Anything," he said, and her face blushed at his hasty and endearing reply. She coughed a little and then turned to fix his hair. 

"What does it feel like to be the world's strongest man?" the blonde woman asked, her hand combing through his black hair. "Does it feel different than before?"