
Cut Their Sorrows

The acid fumes rose from the lake that drowned the sleepwalkers, but somehow, none of them seemed harmed. Some of them resurfaced for a second, but with a skin withering and eyes shrinking. As the group walked closer to the edge, their hearts rose to their throats.

"There is no one here, my king!" said Whisker as he searched around for the culprit behind this gruesome massacre. "I think we should break the spell and look around for him!"

"There is no need to break anything," said Arthur as he raised his eyes toward the sky. "The bastard is hiding at the bottom of the lake. Once we get close, seal all exists and watch out for anyone fleeing."

The eight nodded as they followed their leader, their muscles tensing at the anticipated fight. As they drew close to the lake and were about to jump, a high-pitched voice gave a sinister laugh that filled the tree trunk.