
Crystal Hydra

A crack appeared on the sphere of light, and water gushed out to fill the cave. The corpses rose with the water to fill the cave, and the illusion from earlier began disintegrating.

"I told you already, My Beloved," Larza began as she stared at the shattering sphere. "You are too late. After that cry, this kingdom won't know any peace, and you can already tell, don't you? That cry was a calling for help. This city, this kingdom, will witness a war against the Mernars."

"Not unless I bring this child back," Arthur turned toward the sphere, which was making the cave shake. "You won't succeed."

  "You are too late," Larza smiled. "The poison has already been extracted. The thing you came here to prevent, went unprevented," she gave a sly smile of victory. "You can try to calm the child down," the sphere broke apart as she finished her words, and the blinding searing light flew toward the ceiling and destroyed it. "But you have to give up on killing me."