
Creation Domain

As the army started marching northwest, the whole world knew about it. Footage of the moving platoons was taken through satellites before being published online, with countless articles predicting the outcome.

No one favored Ascent and its marching army. If a kid were asked which army would win, the one-hundred thousand or the fifty-thousands, they would know the answer. Furthermore, Runera has invested an astronomical number of resources into its Runic Guards.

Each piece of clothing and armor these guards wore was enchanted with runes. None of them had any weak points they could exploit, and their elites even had life-saving runic cards that could count as another life.

Thus, even though the numbers said one-hundred Runic Guard, their estimated strength was that of one-hundred-fifty or even two-hundred thousand strong awakeners. Ascent had a mere fifty thousand disarrayed soldiers gathered in ten days.