
Build It Anew

Cassius started shaking for the first time in his life. He stepped back inside his gray world, his haven, as he looked at Arthur Silvera with apprehension. His eyes squinted and darted from one side to the other, unable to believe this was real.

"You are running out of time, Cassius," said Arthur Silvera with a smile as he looked at the people around. "However, it wouldn't matter if you keep coming back here. You will always find me standing here whenever you stop time."

"That is not possible," said Cassius with a frown as he flung his arms, rising golems from the ground. "You cannot use your powers here!"

"And what would stop me?" asked Arthur as he grabbed the same sword with which he executed the earlier enemy. It rippled like a whip under his command while his spiritual energy started leaking again. "You should have preserved your life, Cassius. Yet, you came back to me. If so, I will haunt you for the rest of your days."