
Asura vs Amelio

On the jagged precipice of the newly emerged mountain, the air was charged with the energy of the merged worlds below. The landscape was a chaotic mix of beauty and devastation, where every few seconds, the raw, primal pulse of life and conflict resonated as monsters spawned and warriors rose to challenge them. Above this turmoil, three disparate figures sat in contemplation of the world's plight.

Amelio, the burly man, his physique an embodiment of brute strength, turned his crazed grin towards the thin man at his side. "Seref," he boomed, the sound carrying over the winds, "should I seek out Arthur Netherborne again for another round?"

Seref, his gaze piercing despite his haggard appearance, remained silent, fixated on something invisible before him. His black hair fluttered wildly around his pale, drawn face, eyes like emerald fires set deep within their sockets.