
Astral Light

Layla reached out toward her face and caressed it. The wounds were scabbed, making her face lined with scars. Not a single inch of her face had clear skin, all the way toward her lips.

"How did this happen?" asked Layla, staring into the big blue eyes untainted by the world.

"It doesn't matter," answered Ai, but then she saw Layla staring into her eyes. "A group of bandits raided my village."

That was all that needed to be said. Layla could feel slight trembling from the healer, which made her feel guilty. Then, she reached out and wrapped her arms around her neck before hugging her tightly.

"It's alright now," said Layla. "No one can hurt you anymore. It's alright now."

"I know that," said Ai as she buried her face in Layla's chest, enjoying her warmth. "I have been given strength that makes me more than a victim."