
Artificial Life

"It must be your imagination," grinned Ori. "I am still eighteen like the last time we met!"

"I can see that," Arthur did not refute him, but the gray sideburns Ori had torn a hole in his heart. "I don't understand what happened."

"I can see that you had no time to understand," Ori walked toward Rae, who was struggling to stand up. "You are more ruthless than I remember you to be."

"I don't think I am the only person who has changed," he said as he looked at the runic circle. "You became a grandmaster, it seems."

"I had enough time and knowledge to advance my career," Ori crouched beside the bleeding Rae, and he took out an artifact with which he used to stab her. "We all did what we have to do," he said with sadness.

"You know him?" scowled Rae light from the artifact healed her wounds. "This bastard has a death wish. I will kill..."

"The two of you saved me before by working together," Ori told her. "You two are friends."